Friday, March 16, 2007

What Am I Writing For?

By now, you must be asking, “What business does this ‘writer’ have with a blog if she’s not going to write in it more often?

Would you believe that I’ve been too busy writing?! It’s true...first in two college poetry classes and then for peace and justice because this bloody war wages on and I feel compelled to do what I can to help end it. Meanwhile it appears as if the current administration will do everything in its power to keep me writing peace and justice poetry and essays and attending marches and writing letters and calling senators while they prepare to send troops abroad in search of still more bloodshed and destruction.

The Bush Administration has kept me busy since 9/11/2001 and frankly, I’m about to be worn out with it. I want to write about something as “poetic” as Spring’s arrival, as down to earth as how good a hot shower feels after busting your butt turning soil, hauling leaves, preparing the garden for planting. So I’m alleviating my own guilt for a bit, taking a spring break, a sabbatical from all the gritty work of peacemaking. There are a million ways to make peace, and poetry is one of them. Quiet, peaceful poetry. So that’s what I’m about at the moment.

To help me get started stretching and loosening up my writing (right-ing) brain, I inadvertently enlisted the aid of a book I found in the 30% discounted section of Nightbird Books in Fayetteville, AR. I work there part-time as one of the world’s truly dedicated booksellers. That’s not a brag. It’s a fact. I believe in bookselling the way some people believe in religion or America or the Adkins diet. That is only part of this story, though, so I won’t dwell on the power of books in abstraction, but tell you about this one in particular that is working wonders in my writing life.

This little trade paper kept attracting my attention but it looked kind of dense, a little too left-brained for my taste. There were too many words on the cover for one thing, and they were big words, exercise words for crying out loud. The complete title is "The Journey from the Center to the Page: Yoga Philosophies and Practices as Muse for Authentic Writing" by Jeff Davis. I wondered how his name could be so short underneath such a long title. But I love writing and writing books (good ones). I love yoga or I did when I used to practice it and remembered how well I felt when I stretched and “sana-ed” regularly. And I believe in Muses. Curious, I kept picking up the book until finally, swayed by the words I liked in the title and, of course, by the discount, I bought it. I’ve never gotten a better deal on a book in my life.

Chapter One, “Putting on the Robe: Exploring Your Intentions for Writing” was worth more to me than the full price of several writing books I’ve bought in the past. Davis approaches writing with the respect a Zen Buddhist is expected to show all sentient and non-sentient beings. He awakens early, bows to his study, his computer, the blank page, takes a couple of yogic breaths from deep in the center of his body, and asks himself the simple yet profound question, “What am I writing for?” He does this every day and advises his readers to do the same.

I tried it. Getting up early is no problem for me. That part was easy. I went to my study and bowed to my desk. This small act which I thought might feel a little silly, moved me to respect anew this work I’ve been doing for 15 years. I stood in “mountain pose” which is basically standing, arms to the side, head up, feet balanced, body relaxed. I took 2 deep breaths then asked myself, “What am I writing for?” Davis suggests we ask ourselves this question on two levels. The first is existential. What am I writing for in the big picture of Life? What in the World am I writing for? The second level is more personal, a more focused intention. What am I writing for--today? What am I working on? What do I want to work on? How will I bring to bear this larger intention on this smaller, more personal one?

The answer varies for me, perhaps not as much for the larger intention as for the lesser one. As a poet, my individual writing focus shifts a good deal. If I were a novelist (which I hope to be one day) my intention might not vary as much, but it would change as I moved along from scene to scene, chapter to chapter and character to character. Inevitably, some days my answer to both levels of the question is simply to keep me sane and sober and writing. That’s it. And that’s enough, done with a clear intention to do even this small act respectfully and well.

I won’t go on any longer. I just want to give you a taste of what the mix of yoga and writing can do for you. I want you to ask yourself this question, “What am I writing for?” Write it on a sticky note and put it over your desk, your computer. I want you to have this book, but it’s out of print. Far be it from me, an independent bookseller, to send you to some online megastore, but I’m a writer first and think you should have it wherever you can get it. And check out Jeff Davis’ website, Center to the Page. Google it, get on his mailing list, bookmark it. Don’t lose sight of this wonderful book and its author, whatever you do. He may be bringing a workshop somewhere near you soon. I wouldn’t miss it if I were you. I’m waiting for one I can make. Meanwhile, I’ll be reading and rereading this lovely little book with the long title as I stretch my skills, my body, my awareness.


Scott Starr said...

Very nice. I share your sentiments about being worn out and ready to write about something beautiful. What you say here makes me smile. Hang in there.

Come see me HERE


Kam said...

Hey Thought I'd drop in... thanks for the encouragement Mendy.

Casey Rollins said...

I was just checking up on my friend's blogs. Thank you for this post, Mendy. Some of us might not get our hands on this book as quickly as we'd like, and I really appreciate your sharing what the author has to say, and your thoughts on it. I'm writing every day now for 3 different blogs. This most recent post made me stop, think, and respect what I'm doing. Maybe I orta get back into the yoga, too.....

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