Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Letter to Michelle

(photo from donkey dish .com)

Dear Michelle,

While everybody is busy writing to your husband,
I thought I'd send this letter to you.
I was sitting in church Sunday
trying to pay attention but my mind kept wandering
to the Peace Open Mic later that night, and I'm thinking,
"really, what's left to say?" We're all so disappointed
with the way things are going
you know, war-wise particularly. I'm not one to place blame;
after all, there I was in church
supposed to be focused on the body and the blood
but it was all the bodies and all the blood
I kept seeing behind my closed eyes.
Don't ask me if this was inspired
by the Christ–I don't know for sure.
It's all a mystery to me. But I started
writing this letter then
from the stark middle of those images and I thought
maybe it was time to appeal to you,
you know, a little woman-to-woman, hoping you might listen
if I could get the words right, make my plea clear,
take us both somewhere we haven't been before.
I was so taken with this idea, this letter to you,
that I didn't make it home
but pulled into the first coffee shop I came to, dug around my bag
until I came up with a pen and a teensy pad of paper
that wouldn't hold a paragraph of mine, even on a good day.
I ordered coffee and sat down to get started but happened to sit
right in front of a little Christmas tree which preoccupied me
a moment and that's when I saw the photo hanging on the wall.
As a veteran, it caught my eye and held my attention.
It was a field full of American flags,
big ones, full-sized, billowing in an unpredictable breeze
and I knew then this letter just had to be.
The photo is titled "Valor, Innocence, and Justice"
and was taken by Ellen Gregory of Farmington, Arkansas.
It's hanging in the Perk Coffee Shop in Fayetteville,
a great buy at $50, just in case you're interested.
Hanging there with those red, white and blue words,
"Valor" and "Justice"but it was the "Innocence"
that got to me. Please know,
I write this in all innocence; a patriot,
a flag billowing in your direction.
It seems I digress, but I believe in synchronicity and all the signs
(and photos) were right for this letter to you.
I should probably start over after this lengthy prologue.
The letter itself is really not that long.

Dear Michelle,

The next time you lay down with your husband and for a moment
he is just a man, your man, the man you love more than anything,
put your arm around him, pull him close,
your breasts against his chest
and think...peace.
Wordless, let your hands and body say
with all the love you feel inside
that thousands are counting on him to save their lives.
Remind him he is a mother's son,
your husband and your lover,
father to your daughters. No words now–
stroke his head, his hair short and graying
with the pressure of too much power,
and remind him that other mothers, wives and daughters
love their men
the way that you love him.
Place the palm of your hand over his beating heart
and try to imagine life without him–
gone to war, to kill the "enemy," some other mother's son.
Imagine him coming home estranged or crazy or in a flag draped box.
Remind him this is Christmas and there will be
such flag wrapped packages
delivered to mothers, wives, and daughters
when the doorbell rings
and they were expecting UPS or FedEx,
but it's a captain and a chaplain.
Woman to woman, I'm asking on behalf of all women here,
in Afghanistan, in Iraq, everywhere--to let him know by loving him
that we don't want this anymore.
Show him you'll do anything,
anything--one long romantic, rose-filled, red wine, candle-lit, well...
you know the rest...anything for him,
if every mother's son or daughter
could just come home for Christmas dinner.
Michelle, my last good hope,
clasp his hand, embrace his body, entwine your legs with his,
and hold him tight, tight.
Let your heart drum out this simple word;
for you, for him, for all of us..."peace."
Whisper to him in his sleep,
"Peace, my beloved. Let there be peace."
You know hearts speak louder than words.
Let peace be in your every breath,
in your laughter and your love until he hears it,
until he gets it loud and clear
and wakes up with a changed heart,
thinking he has had a great idea, "Why not? Peace!"
I'm writing you because I need this hope;
the belief that things can change, wars can end
and women are the arbiters of change.
Thanks for reading this, Michelle. I know you must be busy.
I meant no disrespect.
Poets go where their minds lead them,
even beneath the comforter
with the President and First Lady. We can't help ourselves.
We still believe in dreams and visions, foolhardily following
the wanderings of our imaginations.
Please consider what I've asked you here.
I have every faith in you.


As promised in my previous tips and cures post, here is the poem/letter that came to me while sitting in a little country church gazing out the window at the headstones in an old cemetery. It is a peace poem, which I keep saying I'm going to quit writing, but they keep coming to me and I simply can't ignore them. Let me know if you think I should send this on to the First Lady. If I get enough affirmations, then off it goes!


Anonymous said...

Mendy -
Of course you should send it. The letter says what it needs to say and it's so right.
- Chava

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful and so well-spoken. Maybe your words can make a difference and save some lives that are about to be sacrificed.
Yes, yes, send it on!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you should send it. She may never read it, but if she does, what bad can possibly happen? (Maybe I shouldn't ask)
Anyway, we would hope that if she reads it, there will be one more "pro" in the argument for exiting the war in Afghanistan. Susan

Anonymous said...

Definitely send it!

Leigh said...

I vote: Send it!

Anonymous said...

Yes, my vote is to send it!
Jane V

Anonymous said...

I'm not in favor of war, but I do realize we must have war in order to have peace. After 9-11 we should have gone directly to Afghanistan and not left a mountain range "unturned" between it and Pakistan. Sounds harsh?? Well, hey! terrorists are harsh people and killed thousands of innocent Americans. Instead we went to Iraq. Saddam Hussain had WMD's we were told...they've never been found (before or after we attacked). We went to Iraq to vindicate Bush Sr's ineptness there during Dessert Storm. By all means, please send the letter to Michelle; it's a beautiful poetic expression for peace. We deserve peace in our lives as much as any country. GOD BLESS the US MILITARY for ensuring our freedoms!


Anonymous said...

Well, it made me tear up. So beautiful, Mendy. So, yeah, I think you should send it.
~Claire Cosmos

Anonymous said...

yeppers, send it on over red rover

silver said...

did you send it?
